Speed Phrase - Solve The Mystery Phrase
All the letters are there. They're just in the wrong place. Drop one letter on top of another to swap them.
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Learning To Play Speed Phrase
Speed Phrase is a fairly simple game to understand and play. The game begins with a short phrase scrambled as shown below:
The letters are in scrambled order, and pink boxes represent spaces between words. Your job is to unscramble the phrase.
Simply click-and-drag a letter to drop it on top of another letter in the phrase. The letter you dropped will swap places with the letter which
was in that location. If either of the letters you moved is now in the correct position, it will change color from gray to yellow. The picture
below shows how the game will appear with one letter in the correct position.
Once all the letters have turned yellow, the game will calculate your score based on the following two factors:
- How many turns it took to solve the phrase
- How quickly you solved the phrase
Once you've figured out the puzzle, instead of continuing to swap letters, you may type the phrase into the space provided. Please note, however,
that you must type the phrase exactly as it appears, including any punctuation!