Quote Puzzler
An online game of scrambled quotations and words.
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Rewards and Prizes: Yearly Winners

In addition to the monthly awards and the weekly awards, the Quote Puzzler site also gives out Yearly Awards.

These awards are announced during the month of December, and are based primarily on Quote Puzzler puzzle solving statistics from month to month, but may also include other factors, including (but not limited to) community participation, scoring on other puzzles, or discovery and reporting of site bugs.

The reward for a yearly winner will be an online gift certificate to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or some other online store, chosen at the discretion of the Site Administrator. The amount of the certificate is also selected at the discretion of the administrator.

Since the award is given in early December, it will arrive just in time to give yourself or a friend a Christmas present!

Please Remember: If your email address is not kept up-to-date, you will NOT be able to receive a yearly reward!
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