Quote Puzzler
An online game of scrambled quotations and words.
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Rewards and Prizes: Weekly Winners

If you play the Quote Puzzler Game every day, you have a chance at being one of the site's weekly high scorers.

A weekly high scorer is anyone whose cummulative total in the Quote Puzzler game is in the 75th percentile (beats 75 percent of the other players).

If you are in the 75th percentile in the weekly totals, you will receive 1 extra day in your subscription. If you are in the 90th percentile in the weekly totals, you will receive 2 extra days in your subscription.

The Weekly Winners are calculated at midnight (server time) on Sunday morning.

Cummulative totals are kept only for the Quote Puzzler game, not for the other games on the site.

The Site Administrator reserves the right to change the process for calculating Weekly Winners and awarding weekly rewards at any time.
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